Institute of Nuclear Physics | |
Адрес: | Ўзбекистон, 100214, Тошкент ш., Улуғбек шахарчаси, У.Ғуломов кўчаси, 1 |
Директор: | Sodiqov Ilkham Ismailovich |
Teл: | (+998 71) 289-31-60 |
Факс: | (+998 71) 289-36-65 |
Сайт: | www.inp.uz |
Подробнее |
Ulughbek Astronomical Institute | |
Manzil: | O’zbekiston, Toshkent shahar, Astronomiya ko’chasi 33-uy, 100052 |
Direktor: | Ehgamberdiev Shuhrat Abdumannapovich |
Telefon: | (+998 71) 235-81-02 |
Fax: | (+998 71) 234-48-67 |
Sayt: | astrin.uz |
Batafsil |
Physical-technical Institute of SPA «Physics-Sun» named after S.A.Azimov | |
Manzil: | 100084, Toshkent sh., Chingiz Aytmatov ko'chasi, 2b |
Direktor: | Olimov Xusniddin Kosimovich |
Telefon: | (+998 71) 233 12 71 |
Fax: | (+998 71) 235 42 91 |
Sayt: | fti.uz |
Batafsil |
Institute of Material science of SPA «Physics-Sun» named after S.A.Azimov | |
Manzil: |
O'zbekiston, 100084, Toshkent, . Bodomzor yo'li, 2B |
Direktor: | Parpiyev Odilxoʻja Rayimxoʻjayevich |
Telefon: | (+998 71) 2333701;(+998 71) 2333711 |
Fax: | (+998 71) 2333701 |
Sayt: | ftiz.u |
Batafsil |
Institute of Ion-Plasma and Laser technologies | |
Manzil: | O’zbekiston, 100128, Toshkent shahri,Mirzo Ulug'bek tumani durmon yo'li 33-uy |
Direktor: | Ashurov Hotam Baxranovich |
Telefon: | (+998 71) 262-31-69 |
Fax: | (+998 71) 262-32-54 |
Sayt: | iplt.uz |
Batafsil |
Institute of Mathematics named after Romanovsky | |
Manzil: | 100170, Тошкент ш., Мирзо Улуғбек кўчаси, 81 |
Direktor: | Аюпов Шавкат Абдуллаевич |
Telefon: | (+998 71) 262 75 44 |
Fax: | (+998 71) 262 52 36 |
Sayt: | mathinst.uz |
Batafsil |
Institute of Mechanics and Seismic stability of structures named after M.T.Urazbaev | |
Manzil: | Узбекистан, 100125, г. Ташкент, ул. Зиелилар, 13 |
Direktor: | Султанов Карим Султанович |
Telefon: | (+998 71) 2627132 |
Fax: | (+998 71) 2627152 |
Sayt: | instmech.uz |
Batafsil |
Institute of Seismology named after G.Mavlyanov | |
Manzil: | O’zbekiston, 100128, Toshkent shahri, Zulfiyaxonim ko’chasi, 3 uy. |
Direktor: | Исмаилов Вахитхан Алиханович |
Telefon: | (+99871)- 241-51-70 |
Fax: | (+998 71) 241-74-98 |
Sayt: | www.seismos.uz |
Batafsil |
Radio astronomy observatory RT-70 | |
Manzil: | O’zbekiston, 100128, Toshkent shahri,Mirzo Ulug'bek tumani durmon yo'li 31-uy |
Direktor: | Shanin Gennadiy Ivanovich |
Telefon: | (+998 71) 262-74-56 |
Fax: | (+998 71) 262-74-56 |
Batafsil |
Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry | |||
Manzil: |
O'zbekiston, 100053, Toshkent,Mirzo Ulug'bek 77-A |
Direktor: | Ibragimov Aziz Baxtiyarovich | ||
Telefon: |
Fax: | (+998 71) 262-79-90 | ||
Sayt: | ionx.uz | ||
Batafsil |
Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry named after O.Sodikov | |
Manzil: |
O'zbekiston, 100060, Toshkent, Shahrisabz 5 |
Direktor: | Turayev Abbasxan Sabirxanovich |
Telefon: | (+99871) 2627062 |
Fax: | (+998 71) 2627063 |
Sayt: | biochem.uz |
Batafsil |
Institute of Physics and Chemistry of Polymers
Manzil: | 100128, Toshkent sh., A.Qodiriy ko'chasi, 7b |
Direktor: | Ataxanov Abdumutolib Abdupattayevich |
Telefon: | (+998 71) 2418594 |
Faks: | (+998 71) 2412660 |
Sayt: | polchemphys.uz |
Batafsil |
Institute of Microbiology | |
Manzil: | Институт микробиологии АН РУз, Tашкент, 100128, Узбекистан, ул.А.Кадыри - 7б. |
Direktor: | Давранов Кахрамон Давранович |
Telefon: | (+998-71) - 241-92-28 |
Fax: | (+998-71) - 241-92-27 |
Sayt: | www.microbio.uz |
Batafsil |
Institute of Immunology and Human Genomics | |
Manzil: | 100060, Toshkent sh., Y.G'ulomov ko'chasi, 70 |
Direktor: | Aripova Tamara O'ktamovna |
Telefon: | (+998-71) - 233-08-55 |
Fax: | (+998-71) - 233-08-55 |
Sayt: | www.immunology.uz |
Batafsil |
Institute of Botany | |
Manzil: | O’zbekiston, 100128, Toshkent shahri,Mirzo Ulug'bek tumani durmon yo'li 33-uy |
Direktor: | Tojiboev Komiljon Sharobitdinovich |
Telefon: | (+998 71)262-37-95 |
Fax: | (+998 71) 262-37-89 |
Sayt: | botany.uz |
Batafsil |
Institute of Zoology | |
Manzil: |
O'zbekiston, 100053, Toshkent,Bog'ishamol 232B |
Direktor: | Xolmatov Baxtiyor Rustamovich |
Telefon: | (+998 71) 2890465 |
Fax: | (+998 71) 2891060 |
Sayt: | zoology.uz |
Batafsil |
Institute of Genetics and Plant Experimental Biology | |
Manzil: |
111226, Toshkent v., Qibray tumani, Yuqori Yuz |
Direktor: | Narimanov Abdujalil Abdusamatovich |
Telefon: | (871) 264-77-08 |
Faks: | (+998 71) 260-23-90 |
Sayt: | www.genetika.uz |
Batafsil |
Center of Genomics and Bioinformatics | |
Manzil: | 111215, Toshkent v,,Qibray tumani, Universitet ko’chasi, 2 |
Direktor: | Buriev Zabardast Tojiboevich |
Telefon: | (+998 71) 260-51-70 |
Faks: | (+998 71) 260-51-70 |
Sayt: | genomics.uz |
Batafsil |
Institute of the Chemistry of Plant Substances | |
Manzil: |
100053, Toshkent sh.,Mirzo Ulug'bek 77-A |
Direktor: | Sagdullayev Shomansur Shoxsaidovich |
Telefon: | +998712625913 |
Faks: | (+998 71) 2627348; 1206475 |
Sayt: | uzicps.uz |
Batafsil |
Tashkent State Institute of Oriental Studies named after Abu Raykhan Beruniy | |
Manzil: |
O'zbekiston, 100053, Toshkent,Mirzo Ulug'bek 79 |
Direktor: | Abduhalimov Bahrom Abduhalimovich |
Telefon: | (+998 71) 262-54-61, (+998 71) 262-56-51 |
Fax: | (+998 71) 2625277 |
Sayt: | beruni.uz |
Batafsil |
Institute of Uzbek language, literature and folklore | |
Manzil: |
O'zbekiston, 100060, Toshkent, Shahrisabz 5 |
Direktor: | Mahmudov Nizomiddin Mamadalievich |
Telefon: | (+998 71) 233-36-50 |
Fax: | (+998 71) 233-71-44 |
Sayt: | tai.uz |
Batafsil |
Institute of History | |
Manzil: | Узбекистан, 100060, г. Ташкент, проезд. Шахрисабз, д 5 |
Direktor: | Ziyoyev Azamat Hamidovich |
Telefon: | (+998 71) 233-39-91 |
Fax: | (+998 71) 233-39-91 |
Sayt: | fati.uz |
Batafsil |
Institute of Art | |
Manzil: | 100029, Toshkent sh., Mustaqillik maydoni, 2 |
Direktor: | Pidaev Shokirjon Rasulevich |
Telefon: | (+998 71) 239-17-71 |
Faks: | (+998 71) 239-46-67 |
Sayt: | finearts.uz |
Batafsil |
National Center of Archaeology | |
Manzil: | Tashkent, Mirzo Ulugbek Street 81 |
Direktor: | Maksudov Farkhod Alijonovich |
Telefon: | (+998 71) 2337281 |
Fax: | (+998 71) 2334602 |
Sayt: | archaeology.uz |
Batafsil |
State Museum of History of Uzbekistan | |
Manzil: | Узбекистон, г. Ташкент, Юнусабадский р-н, ул. Ш.Рашидова 3. |
Direktor: | Исмаилова Жаннат Хамидовна |
Telefon: | (+998 71) 239-10-83 |
Fax: | (+998 71) 239-10-83 |
Sayt: | history-museum.uz |
Batafsil |
State Museum of Timurids history | |
Manzil: | Узбекистан, 100000, г. Ташкент, Амир Темур, 1 |
Direktor: | Файзиев Хуршид Тургунович |
Telefon: | (+998 71) 232-02-10; (+998 71) 232-01-44 |
Fax: | (+998 71) 232-02-13 |
Sayt: | http://www.temurid.uz |
Batafsil |
Alisher Navoi State Museum of Literature | |
Manzil: | Узбекистан, 100011, г. Ташкент, ул. Навои 69. |
Direktor: | Эшонкулов Жаббор Салиевич |
Telefon: | (+998 71) 241-02-75 |
Fax: | (+998 71) 244-00-61 |
Sayt: | navoimuseum.uz |
Batafsil |
Coordination and Methodological Center of the Uzbekistan's contemporary history | |
Manzil: | 100060, Toshkent sh., Shahrisabz tor ko'chasi, 5 |
Direktor: | Usarova Feruza Khalmatovna |
Telefon: | (+998 71) 2333701 |
Faks: | (+998 71) 2333701 |
Sayt: | tmarkaz.uz |
Batafsil |