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journal "Meros"

The The Abu Rayhan Biruni Institute of Oriental Studies, Uzbekistan Academy of Sciences is the founder of the journal "Meros". The journal was initially established by the name of "Sharqshunoslik / Oriental Studies" according to the Decree № 11/105 of the President of the Uzbekistan Academy of Sciences on August 30, 1988.

In 2016, “Meros” science journal of the Abu Rayhan Beruniy Center of Oriental Manuscripts under the Tashkent State Institute of Oriental Studies was re-registered as the "Meros" journal of the Abu Rayhan Beruniy Institute of Oriental Studies, Uzbekistan Academy of Sciences on 16.02.2018. (Certificate No.0680 and № 000535; ISSN No.2181-9017).

"Meros" science journal is published twice a year. Articles can be submitted in Uzbek, Russian and English. The minimum volume of the journal is 128-240 pages. Total circulation is planned to be published from 100 to 500 copies.

"Meros" is a scientific and theoretical publication promoting new achievements in oriental studies. It explores the scientific, cultural, spiritual, educational, socio-economic and political life of Uzbekistan; written and oral history sources of oriental studies, in particular the history of Central Asia and the countries of the Far East; science, history, language and literature, philosophy, politics, culture and art; articles on contemporary history issues will also be prepared and published in the following chapters:

1. Scientific Debate

2. Diplomatics

3. Youth’s Rostrum

4. Scientific conferences and reviews

5. Scientific information

6. Islam and Sufism

7. Source Studies and Historiography

8.History of Central Asia

9. Text Studies

10. Personal stories

11. Linguistics and Literature

12. Philosophy

13. History of Science and Culture

14. International Relations

15. Jubilees & Anniversaries

16. New Publications

17. Varia

Publication Languages: Uzbek, Russian, English.

Aim and tasks of the journal: To introduce new findings, achievements and scientific results in Oriental Studies, and to familiarize particularly scholars of Social Sciences and Humanities.

Specialization: Oriental studies, historical and literary sources, textuality.

Area of Distribution: Republic of Uzbekistan

Sources of Financial Supply of the Editorial Office: sponsors (if any), and authors' contributions.


Abdukhalimov Bahrom Abdurakhimovich

Director, Abu Rayhan Biruni Institute of Oriental Studies, Uzbekistan Academy of Sciences; Acting Vice-president on Social Sciences and Humanities of the Uzbekistan Academy of Sciences (since 2017)

Academic Degree and Title: Doctor of Sciences in History, Professor

Major: Historical Source Studies and History of Science.

Date of Birth: 27 February 1959.

Place of Birth: Tashkent

Education: Diploma of Higher Education, obtained in 1982 from the Tashkent State Institute of Oriental Studies (full-time study)

DSpecialty: Philologist of Oriental studies. 

From 1981 to 1983 he worked as an Arabic interpreter/translator in Lybia. He studied postgraduate and doctoral studies at the Institute of Oriental Studies, Uzbekistan Academy of Sciences. Started his career as a Junior Researcher at the Academy of Oriental Studies, Uzbekistan Academy of Sciences, then he was promoted to the position of the Academic Secretary, the Senior Reseach Fellow, the Vice-director for scientific affairs, and the Vice-president for Social Sciences and Humanities of the Uzbekistan Academy of Sciences. He has also worked as the Vice Rector of the Westminster International University in Tashkent, the State Advisor to the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan for Inter-ethnic Relations and Religious Affairs, as well as the Head of the Monitoring and Implementation Department of Science and Technology Programs of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Nowadays he is the Vice-president of the Uzbekistan Academy of Sciences for Social Sciences and also the Director of the Abu Rayhan Biruni Institute of Oriental Studies, Uzbekistan Academy of Sciences. 

Author of 1 monograph, 1 brochure, 2 books (in co-authorship) and more than 80 articles. 

To date, under his supervision one Candidate of Science and 1 Ph.D. students have defended their dissertation theses and 1 doctoral student and 3 researchers are working for their dissertation theses. 

He was awarded the Prize "To Imam Bukhari's Generation" by the Government of Kuwait for his work entitled “Scientific Centers of Central Asia” which was prepared in co-authorship in 2004.


100170, Uzbekistan, Tashkent,  Mirzo Ulugbek, str., 79.


(+998-71) 262-54-61


(+998-71) 262-52-77





The texts of articles should be written in Times New Roman, A4 (210-297 mm) paper, in Uzbek, Russian or English, 12 size of characters, 1.5 interlinear spacing, 2 cm above text, 3 cm from left, 1.5 cm should be from right down. Size: from 8 to 12 pages.

Payment: 75% of the minimum wage (calculated by the Ministry of Finance). The payment will be made after reviewing and recommending for publication by 2 experts of the Editorial Board.

1. Name, Surname (full)

2. Degree, title (if any)

3. Affiliation

4. Phone: (with code) ...; e-mail: ... Write this information without abbreviations.

5.Title of article

6. Annotation. Should include 4-6 sentences

7. Key words. 6-8 words. Note: The above mentioned information should be given by following order and in Uzbek, Russian and English

8. In the article it is required a conclusion that reflects the scientific problem, its analysis, the scientific novelty and significance of the issues. Note: If the author of the article uses plagiarism, it will be notified to the affiliated body of the author and author's article will not be accepted next time.

9.Samples for writing transliterations of the names and sources:

In Uzbek:

  1. Names. Abdulloh, Abdurahmon, Sayyid Muhammad Alixon, Rajabali, Xo’ja Amin, Fayzxo’ja, Shohmalik, Ma’sumbiy, Jahonshoh, Qul Ubaydiy, Aliquli,  Sharafiddin Ali Yazdiy, Ahmad al-Marg’inoniy, Sulton Murod, Doniyol otaliq, Mirsodiq, Abu-l-Qosim.

  2. Source titles are translated in the first place in the text. For example: “Mas’ala fi hazz an-nafs min al-ulum” (“Nafsning ilmdan oladigan ulushi masalasi”), “Shohnomai nusratpayom” (“G’alaba haqida xabar beruvchi shoh kitob”).

  3. Names of dynasties: Temuriylar, Ummaviylar, Ashtarxoniylar.

In Russian:

  1. Names. Abdallax, Abd al-Raxman, Sayyid Muxammad Ali-xan, Radjab-Ali, Xodja Amin, Fayz xodja, Shax-malik, M’asum-biy, Djaxan-shax, Kul Ubaydi, Ali-kuli,  Sharaf al-din Ali Yazdi, Axmad al-Marginani, Sultan Murad, Daniyal Atalik, Mirsadik.

  2. Source titles are translated in the first place in the text. For example: “Mas’ala fi xazz al-nafs min al-’ulum” (“Вопрос наслаждения души от науки"), “Shaxnama-i nusratpayam” (“Велкая книга,  оповещающая о победе”).

  3. Names of dynasties: Темуриды, Омеяды, Аштарханиды.

In English:

  1. Names. Abdullah, Abdurrahman, Abdukhaliq, Sayyid Muhammad Alikhan, Rajabali, Khwaja Amin, Fayzkhwaja, Shahmalik, Ma’sumbiy, Jahanshah, Qul Ubaydiy, Aliquli, Sharafiddin Ali Yazdi, Ahmad al-Marghinaniy, Sultan Murad, Daniyal Ataliq, Mirsadiq, Abulqasim.

  2. Source titles are translated in the first place in the text. For example: “Ma’sala fi hazz an-nafs min al-’ulum” (“The issue of what should the soul (self) take from knowledge”), “Shahnomeh Nusratpayom” (“The main book telling about victories”).

  3. Names of dynasties: Temurids, Umeyyads, Ashtarkhanids.

10. The list of publications is given at the end of the article.

11. The procedure for using references and publications in article:

11.1. The list of literature is placed alphabetical order first in Cyrillic, then Latin (if any) and then Arabic (if any).

11.2. The initials of the authors beginning with Cyrillic letters Ў Қ Ғ Ҳ are placed after names of authors beginning with letter Я.

11.3. Each publication is numbered only once. Their pages will be given as [reference number in page] at the end of the sentence before full stop, e.g. [3: 154].

11.4. Remarks remain on each page references, with references to publications in the following form [publication number: page].

11.5. If more than one publication has been included in the entire work, [publication number: page; literary number], that is, the consequence is divided with; , for example, [3: 154; 6; 1:33; 22].

12. Indication of literature:

12.1. Author's name. Title of the book. The published city name will be written in full, date. For example;

Бекмирзаев И.И. Бурҳонуддин Маҳмуд ал-Бухорий ва Мовароуннаҳр қозилиги. Тошкент, 2011.

12.2. If the article is contained in book, journal or collection it is provided in the following order: Author's name. Title of the article / title of the book, journal or collection. Full name of the city, year of publication, number of journals. The 1st and last papges of the article will be displayed. For example;

  1.  Халлиева Г. Записка пастора Амирханянца об истории Хивы // Проблемы Востоковедения.  УФА,  2010. №2(48). С. 64–68.

  2. Галянов В. Статистическая данные о кустарной, ремесленной, заводской и фабричной промышленности русской части города Ташкента / В книге: Сборник материалов для статистики Сыр-Дарьинской области. Издание Сыр-Дарьинского областного Статистического комитета. Под редакцией и д. Секретаря Комитета И.И.Гейера. Ташкент, 1891. С. 177‒205.

  3. Spler B. Čaghāniān // The Encyclopaedia of islam. New edition. Vol.II. Leiden, 1991. P. 1‒2.

  4. Sinor D. Тhe origin of Turkic Baliq “town” // Central Asiatic Journal. Wiesbaden, 1981.  №25. Р. 95‒102.



  1. Alisher Navoiy zamondoshlari xotirasida / Tuzuvchi: B. Ahmedov. Toshkent, 1986.

  2. Abdulhakim Shar’iy Jo’zjoniy. Islom huquqshunosligi. Hanafiy mazhabi va O’rta Osiyo faqihlari. Toshkent, 2002.

  3. Анке ф. Кюгельген. Мийан Фадли Ахмад / Ислам на территории бывшей Российской империи: Энциклопедический словарь / Под ред. С.М. Прозорова. Вып.4.  Москва, 2003. С. 49‒50.

  4. Галянов В. Статистическая данные о кустарной, ремесленной, заводской и фабричной промышленности русской части города Ташкента / В книге: Сборник материалов для статистики Сыр-Дарьинская области. Издание Сыр-Дарьинского областного Статистического комитета. Под редакцией и д. Секретаря Комитета И.И.Гейера. Ташкент, 1891. С. 177‒205.

  5. Камолиддин Ш.С. Культура оседлых тюрков Средней Азии. Тошкент, 2007. http://www.eurasica.ru/articles/uzbeks

  6. Кляшторный С.Г. Памятники древнетюркской письменности и этнокультурная история Центральной Азии. Санкт‒Петербург, 2006.

  7. Mirzo Olim Maxdum hoji. Tarixi Turkiston / So’zboshi va izohlar Sh.Vohidovniki, arab yozuvidan tabdil Sh.Vohidov va R.Xoliqovaniki, ko’rsatgichlar Sh.Vohidov D.Sangirovaniki. Toshkent, 2009.

  8.  Mo’minov A. Hanafiy ulamolarning Markaziy Movarounnahr shaharlari hayotida tutgan o’rni va roli (II‒VII/VIII‒XIII asrlar). // Tarix fanlari doktori ilm. ... dissertatsiya avtoreferati. Toshkent, 2003.

  9.  Muxammad ibn Nadjib Bakran. Джахан-наме (Книга о мире) / Издание текста, введение и указатели Ю. Е. Борщевского. Ч. 1. Москва, 1960.

  10.  Muhammad Fozilbek. Mukammali tarixi Farg’ona. O’zRFA Sharqshunoslik instituti qo’lyozmasi, inv.№ 5971.

  11.  Рашид ад-Дин. Сборник летописей / Пер. с персидского О.И. Смирновой, редакция проф. А.А. Семенова. Москва‒Ленинград, 1952. Т.1, кн. 2.

  12.  O’zbekiston Respublikasi Markaziy Davlat Arxivi, I-19-fond, 1-ro’yxat, 34468- yig’ma jild.

  13.  Husayn Voiz Koshifiy. Kitobi Xotamnoma. Fors tilida. O’zR FA Sharqshunoslik instituti qo’lyozmalar fondi, inv. №  4388.

  14.  Hudud al-’Alam, The regions of the world, a Persian geography / Translated and explained by V.Minorsky. London, 1970.

  15.  Juwayni, Ala ad-Din Ata-Malik. The History of the world conqueror / Tr. by J.A.Boyle. Manchester, 1958.

  16.  Sinor D. The origin of Turkic Baliq “town” // Central Asiatic Journal, № 25. Wiesbaden, 1981.  R. 95‒102. 

  17. Spuler B. Čaghāniān // The Encyclopaedia of islam. New edition. Vol.II. Leiden, 1991. P. 1‒2.


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