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Visit of German Scientists to Mamun Academy

For many years, scientists of the Khorezm academy of Mamun have been conducting scientific research on the comprehensive study of architectural monuments of  state memorial estate Ichan-Kala. As a result of this research, the foundations of architectural monuments, the influence of various natural factors on the structure of structures were studied.

But these studies are not the only studies of ancient architectural monuments of Khorezm, scientists of the Khorezm academy of Mamun are currently conducting archaeological excavations at the Khumbuztepa site in the Khazarasp district. The study revealed the oldest Zoroastrian temple in the Central Asian region with the age of about 2600-2700 years old.

On May 28 of this year, professors, teachers and students of the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Munich of the Federal Republic of Germany visited the Khorezm academy of Mamun to get to know the results of this study, discuss the results and exchange experience in the sphere of architecture. During the visit, they visited the Museum of the History and Culture of Khorezm, talked with scientists, got acquainted with the results of research.


As a result of the discussions, Professor Hannelore Dübzer of the University of Munich and architect Rudolf Maria Grath agreed to conduct joint research, analyze the findings with modern methods of analysis and publish joint articles.


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