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Bulletin of Karakalpak branch of UzAS

The founder of «Bulletin of Karakalpak branch of UzAS» is the Karakalpak Branch of Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan Republic.

The first number of the "Bulletin" was published on November, 26th, 1960.

The Journal was reregistered by Uzbekistan Republic agency of the information and communication in September, 2013 with Number 10-3560, ISSN-2091-508X,Registration number №01-040

Edition languages: articles are accepted in Russian, Karakalpak, Uzbek and English languages.

Speciality: the Scientific edition of Karakalpak branch of UzAS is intended for illumination of a wide range of problems on which scientific workings out are conducted in Karakalpakstan Republic, and also in other regions, connected with it by a generality of researches.

Unique features of the journal: Becoming the first scientific magazine in the history of Karakalpakstan, "Bulletin" has given the chance to reflect results of researches of scientists to print articles on all spectrum of sciences and to synthesise the newest workings out in all fields of a science and social and economic life of Karakalpakstan.

The publications of special issues of the journal including materials of the international and local conferences, organized by divisions of Karakalpak branch of UzAS are practised.

Financing source: at the expense of off-budget means of Karakalpak branch of UzAS.


Nagmet Kallyevich Aimbetov

Data of birth:  September 16, 1955.

Place of birth: Nukus city, Karakalpakstan Republic

Field of science: Economics

Chairman of the Karakalpak Branch of Uzbekistan Academy of Sciences (from 2004. – to nowadays)

Doctor of Science in economics, professor, academician.

Graduated the Tashkent State University in 1977.

He was a director of  Computational Center, difrector of the Institute of Aral sea region Social-Economic problems of the Karakalpak Branch of UzAS, Vice-Chairman of Karakalpak Branch of  UzAS.

He is an author of more than 100 scientific publications.

He is the supervisor of 2 Doctors of science and 6 PhDs.

He was awarded by an award "Dustlik" in 2012.


230100, Uzbekistan, Karakalpakstan, Nukus city, Berdakh prospect, 41b


(+998-61) 222-17-44


(+998-61) 222-17-44






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