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Decision Making in Organizational Systems Management

In 2019, a team of authors consisting of four doctors of sciences, professors S. Verteshev (Pskov, Russian Federation), M.V. Voronova (Moscow, Russian Federation), Gerasimenko P.V. (St. Petersburg, Russia) and Kremkova M.V. (Tashkent city, Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan) a monograph “Decision Making in Organizational Systems Management” was prepared and published (Pskov State University, Russia, 218 pp.).

The monograph consists of 10 chapters, it discusses the problems and processes of making managerial decisions in the fields of science, education, innovation, production, business and social life. Chapters 1-5 are devoted to the consideration of methodological aspects of decision theory and the mathematical approaches used in the preparation and adoption of decisions in the field of management of organizational systems. Chapter 6 discusses the methodological aspects of decision-making in the field of innovation, scientific, educational, innovative and production activities taking into account risks. Chapters 7 to 10 set forth the methodological provisions and methodological aspects of risk assessment, reflecting the real processes of functioning of various business entities.

The monograph is one of the first methodological publications in the CIS in the field of making effective management decisions, and is recommended for use by scientists, students, and doctoral students as a training tool in the scientific areas of "System Analysis and Management", "Business Informatics", "Microeconomics", " Management ”,“ Computer Science and Computer Engineering ”,“ Organization of Science and Education ”, etc.


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