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Applied Solar Energy

"Applied Solar Energy" is an international scientific journal in which the latest achievements of science and technology are published in the following fields.

1. Solar radiation

Method and results of calculations or measurements of solar radiation in relation to various solar engineering installations.

2. Solar installations and their application

Realized in nature solar engineering installations for various purposes, both experimental and practical, the results of measurements of their parameters or calculations. Characteristics of the released solar equipment, recommendations for its use. Installations and systems that have real practical application, their characteristics.

3. Solar power plants

Large capacity, based on various principles of converting solar energy into electricity.

4. Direct conversion of solar energy into electrical energy by means of photo- and thermoelectric transformations.

Output parameters and characteristics of photo- and thermoelements, batteries and installations based on them. Methods for measuring parameters and calculation methods for determining their characteristics.

5. Solar energy concentrators

Calculation methods, development and technological work on the creation of concentrators, methods and characteristics measurement results, concentrators application.

6. Solar heat and cold supply

Solar collectors, installations and systems of solar heat- and cold supply; methods and results of their calculation, testing and optimization; application of collectors, installations and systems.

7. Solar engineering materials science

Receiving and using new materials in solar engineering, researching the properties of materials with the help of solar installations, including solar furnaces.

8. Renewable energy sources

Non-traditional, alternative energy sources, including, solar, wind, hydraulic, biomass, thermal, and also combined.

9. Economics and ecology of solar engineering

Technical and economic characteristics of solar installations, environmental assessment of the use of solar energy.

10. Brief communications

Brief articles and reports on selected issues related to the use of solar energy.

11. News of solar engineering (chronicle)

Reports on conferences, seminars and symposia on the use of solar energy, their results, on regulatory documents and new literature in the field of solar engineering, as well as on new created large installations and experimental stands.

Not accepted:

a) articles on photo and thermoelectric topics, dealing exclusively with solid-state physics and semiconductor technology;

b) articles on materials obtained with the help of solar installations, which relate exclusively to the field of materials science. If the studies are performed on solar or arc-reflecting furnaces, the specifics of this method of heating, measuring and controlling the temperature must be specified.

1. The article should be written in Russian or English languages with a maximum of 14 pages of typewritten text A4 format, scientific reports - 1-2 pages, typed in a Microsoft Word text editor in .docx format, Times New Roman, 12pt size, alignment to the width of the page.

The text is printed on one side of the page after 1-1.5 intervals with margins at the top, bottom and left sides not less than 2.5 sm, from the right - 1 sm, pages are numbered in a single numbering, including tables and literature, which are placed in the appropriate places in the text.

2. In the text it is necessary to give references to tables, figures and references with the corresponding numbering. Tables and its graphs should have short headers written entirely, without abbreviations.

3. Drawings should be drawn (or scanned) in the Word grouped graphical editor, and also have a number and names located below the picture field.

4. Formulas must be carefully verified and numbered in the order in which they appear in the text.

5. The dimensionality of all the given values should correspond to the international system of measurements units.

6. On the first page of the article, in capital letters are indicated, the initials and surname of the author / authors (right) and then the title of the article in bold type (no point at the end) and then after 2 intervals - abstract oblique font no more than 7 lines, then after 2 intervals the text of the article is printed in normal type.

7. At the end of the article is given the literature used by the author/authors. References are arranged in a row with the number in square brackets, followed by the full name (surname and initials), then all through the separating points: - the title of the journal (monograph, textbook, collection, conference (city, country, date), thesis abstract, patent and etc.), - year, - volume, - issue/number of pages (or their number for monographs, collections, etc.).

8. After the list of references are indicated the institution or organization (the full name) that submitted the article (in the left corner) and the date of submission (in the right corner).

9. On a separate page are indicated the full information about the author/authors, including the last name, first name, middle name, academic degree and rank, place of work and position, as well as contact addresses and phone numbers of the author.

10. Articles should be sent to:

Uzbekistan, 100084, Tashkent, Chingiz Aytmatov str., 2B, Physical-Technical Institute of Uzbekistan Academy of Sciences.

Tel.: (+99871) 235-76-17;

e-mail: jahatov@uzsci.net; gltn.apse@gmail.com

11. Articles that do not meet these requirements, the editorial board are not considered and authors are not returned.

     12. Separate reprints of the authors are not issued; the author can order the necessary number of copies of the journal in the editorial office a month before the publication of its next issue.


Axatov Jasur Saidovich 


100084, Uzbekistan, Tashkent, Yunusobod district, Chingiz Aytmatov str., 2B


(+998-71) 235-76-17


(+998-71) 235-42-91






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